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Version: v3.x

Subgraph Deployment

In some instances like a frontend you might need to deploy a subgraph, in the MACI repository you can find the configuration to deploy a subgraph on The Graph Network or Alchemy Subgraphs.


While the free plan of The Graph and Alchemy can work well, it's recommended to use a paid plan for production.


Head to the subgraph folder in the app folder.

cd apps/subgraph

Edit the network.json file in the config folder. Adding the network it was deployed, the MACI contract and the block where it was deployed.

"network": "optimism-sepolia",
"maciContractAddress": "0xD18Ca45b6cC1f409380731C40551BD66932046c3",
"maciContractStartBlock": 11052407

See the supported networks of The Graph here.

Create a subgraph in the graph studio and name it maci-subgraph.

The Graph Deployment

The first thing you need to do is to copy the key in subgraph studio dashboard and run the following command to authenticate:

graph auth --studio {key}

Then run the following commands to build and deploy the subgraph:

pnpm run build && \
pnpm run deploy

The pnpm run deploy command uses maci-subgraph as the subgraph name by default, but if you named your subgraph differently (e.g. maci-graph, my-graph, etc.), please change the command to graph deploy --node your_subgraph_name

Alchemy Deployment

Deploying to the Alchemy subgraph service requires some changes to the subgraph.template.yaml file located in the templates folder. You need to remove the following keys:

prune: auto

Now you can run the deploy command with some minor changes:

graph deploy SUBGRAPH_NAME \
--version-label VERSION \
--node \
--deploy-key API_KEY

In order to get a subgraph deploy key for alchemy, head to the subgraph dashboard section and select add subgraph and pick Deploy a New Subgraph here you will see the deploy key.